Magnetic Resins
beads are well established for magnetic separation processes like protein
purification, RNA and DNA extraction, immunoprecipitation but also in NGS and
PCR applications. We have developed a new type of polymeric magnetic beads to
expand the space of resins used in solid phase organic synthesis. The novel
magnetic beads are based on polystyrene beads where the magnetic core is
imbedded into a low crosslinked polystyrene matrix. All properties known from
traditional polystyrene resins used in solid phase organic synthesis (SPOS)
like swelling and shrinking in organic solvents are still the same.
the novel magnetic brads in a multistep parallel automated synthesis system, the
separation of the beads from the reaction mixture is performed by simply
applying an external magnetic field which fixes the resin reversible on the
bottom of the reaction vessels. The separated supernatant can easily be removed
by aspiration. Several reaction types like amide couplings, nucleophilic
aromatic substitution and Suzuki-Miyaura reactions were successfully performed
in a parallel synthesis approach on micromole scale.
Available as Magnetic Polystyrene AM HN2.
Available as Magnetic Polystyrene AM HN2.
Figure 1: Magnetic Polystyrene AM NH2 Resin.