Fmoc-Trp(Boc) TentaGel® R HMPA Resin

Product information

TentaGel® resins are grafted copolymers consisting of a low crosslinked polystyrene matrix on which polyethylene glycol (PEG or POE) is grafted via an ethyl ether group which increases stability towards acid treatment and minimizes PEG-leaching. The graft copolymer shows modified physicochemical properties which are highly dominated by the PEG moiety (and no longer by the polystyrene matrix) and has hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties. These copolymers are pressure stable and can be used in batch processes as well as under continuous flow conditions. The PEG spacer is in the range of MW 3000 Da. TentaGel® resins have high diffusion rates and excellent swelling in a wide range of solvents from e.g. toluene to water. TentaGel® R resin is a special designed resin for research use. Long peptide sequences (up to 100 residues), difficult sequences and PNA´s are synthesized on this support. The resin shows an increased swelling volume and a significant lower loading. This resin is functionalized with the TFA-labile 4-(hydroxymethyl)-phenoxyacetic acid linker and is an alternative to the PHB resins. Cleavage is established with 95% TFA.

D-amio acid on request.


L 62 TentaGel® HMPA Resins

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